Idle Angels v7.2.1.011703

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Thank you for downloading Idle Angels from our site. The following are available links. Just press the button and the file will be automatically downloaded

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Download FAQs

What is APK Installer?

This is an installer developed exclusively by We attach the Cache and OBB files to a single APK file, which helps users install it quickly and easily.

The download link is broken!

Some recently posted games may occasionally have broken links for a few minutes since we employ caching and the server has unique sync features. You have five to fifteen minutes to try again. If the download link continues to fail after a considerable amount of time (maybe because he is tired), there is undoubtedly an error in the editor's link import procedure.

MOD Not Working

We always do thorough testing before posting games and apps. Please read carefully before the instructions that include “MOD Info?” “Important!” in the content. If it still doesn’t work, report it back to us

What is OBB? How to install?

OBB is similar to the game's DLC; you only have to unzip it into the memory's "Android / obb" folder. The game will function as intended. However, as we previously stated, an OBB is already embedded inside the INSTALLER APK, thus we hardly ever publish one.How to install a game using the OBB and APK1. Download the game's OBB and apk.2. Copy the OBB folder to the "Android/obb" path after extracting the OBB. An OBB route that is proper would be "Android/obb/com.madfingergames.legends."3. Install and launch the APK file

Error "App not installed"

This typically occurs when the original version or a version downloaded from another website is already on your device. Please remove the game or app (be sure to backup your data if needed) and then reinstall our apk file to resolve the issue.

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