Experience a battle that hasn’t been known about in the FFBE universe until now in the most recent installment of the FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS series.
There will be characters from previous FINAL FANTASY games!
The War of the Visions begins with the twin princes and the stunning steel lady!
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Experience the stories of each kingdom and its warriors on the continent of Ardra by exploring Story Quests, World Quests, Event Quests, and more.
Cooperate with other players to progress in Multiplayer Quests or compete online via Duel.
<Battle System>
The ultimate in tactical combat, displayed in three-dimensional terrains with different altitudes. Strive for victory by using different tactics in every conflict.
Beginners can play with ease thanks to the auto-battle and faster pace settings.
Like in earlier FINAL FANTASY games, characters can decide whether they win or lose by using special moves called Limit Bursts, which are characterized by strong attacks and amazing displays!
CG animations will feature familiar Espers from the FINAL FANTASY series, who will use their amazing power to assist players.
<Job System & Elements>
Acquire new jobs by raising units with the Job System. In addition, each unit has an Element that can be utilized against enemies to deal increased damage. Use the Job System and Elements to gain the advantage in battle.
In addition to Story Quests, where you can enjoy the main tale of War of the Visions, you can enjoy more than 200 unique quests within World Quests and Event Quests, where various materials can be acquired.
<Voice Acting>
Story Quests are fully voiced in Japanese and English. Choose your preferred language and enjoy the tale of War of the Visions.
Familiar to the FFBE series, the BGM of War of the Visions is composed by Elements Garden (Noriyasu Agematsu).
The world of War of the Visions is adorned with stately timbre performed by a full orchestra.
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Leonis, a small kingdom surrounded by powerful nations, has remained unconquered thanks to a curious ring bestowed upon its king by the “Winged One.”
With visions—the hopes and dreams of
legendary warriors given life—on their side,
Leonis could hold its own against the might of other kingdoms.
But as the ever-repeating cruelty of fate would have it,
even the bonds of love and friendship cannot remain unscathed.
The twin princes of Leonis,
Mont and Sterne are no exception.
Their feud signals the beginning of the end of the longstanding War of the Visions.
In this war-torn land of rivaling nations,
who will be left smiling
in the dazzling light of the Crystal?
<Familiar FINAL FANTASY series Espers such as Ifrit and Ramuh appear!>
<In addition to Ayaka and Aileen from FFBE, Global-original characters will also participate in WAR OF THE VISIONS FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS!>
And so begins the tale of the War of the Visions.
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